Exploring the Dynamics of Voluntourism and Travel Philanthropy: A Critical Analysis

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Dr (Chef) Subhadip Majumder
Dr Sunil Khanal


This study explores the concept of travel philanthropy and voluntourism, focusing specifically on the dynamics, effects, and ethical considerations related to both forms of tourism. This document examines the causes of these activities, their contribution to promoting sustainable tourism, and the possible negative effects they may have on the communities that host them. Furthermore, it underscores the need of fostering relationships with local stakeholders and ensuring that endeavours are in line with the needs of the community. In addition, the study addresses ethical concerns, including the potential for sustaining neocolonial mindsets and prioritising volunteers over long-term well-being. The research findings indicate that a sophisticated methodology that achieves a harmonious combination of positive influence, ethical engagement, and community empowerment is necessary in the realm of global travel and volunteers.

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How to Cite
Exploring the Dynamics of Voluntourism and Travel Philanthropy: A Critical Analysis. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12599083

How to Cite

Exploring the Dynamics of Voluntourism and Travel Philanthropy: A Critical Analysis. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12599083


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