Roles Of Responsible Leadership In Driving Responsible Consumption And Production (SDG 12) A Comparative Study Between Two-Michelin Starred Chef Richard Ekkebus (Amber) And One-Michelin Starred Chef Shane Osborn (Arcane

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Anny WS Ho


By comparing the narratives of two prominent restaurant leaders, i.e., Chef Richard Ekkebus from Amber, a two-Michelin-star restaurant and Chef Shane Osborn from Arcane, a one-Michelin-star restaurant in Hong Kong, this research looks at how responsible leaders drives a particular Sustainable Development Goal, Responsible Production and Consumption (SDG 12). A qualitative approach is adopted with the collection of secondary data analysed using content analysis. The finding shows both chef’s background and life stories are convincing examples of responsible leadership. Despite the limited time and financial constraints in conducting this study, it is clear that responsible leaders need to have strong relational skills; and through stakeholder engagement, these leaders connect and stay close to their stakeholders to realise their visions.

Keywords: Responsible Leadership, Michelin-Starred Restaurants, SDG 12, Sustainable Development Goals, Comparative Study

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Roles Of Responsible Leadership In Driving Responsible Consumption And Production (SDG 12): A Comparative Study Between Two-Michelin Starred Chef Richard Ekkebus (Amber) And One-Michelin Starred Chef Shane Osborn (Arcane. (2022). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 6(1).

How to Cite

Roles Of Responsible Leadership In Driving Responsible Consumption And Production (SDG 12): A Comparative Study Between Two-Michelin Starred Chef Richard Ekkebus (Amber) And One-Michelin Starred Chef Shane Osborn (Arcane. (2022). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 6(1).


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