Mobbing in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Greece

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Dr George Triantafyllou
Professor Christina Karakioulafi
Dr Georgia Vazaki
Eirini Strataki


The present work examines and reviews the current knowledge concerning work harassment, mobbing and sexual harassment in the hospitality industry in Greece. Having access to the recent data for the years 2021 and 2022, the authors conduct a qualitative research on how the Hellenic Labour Inspectorate, dealt with the accusations applied by the victims of workplace mobbing. The authors examined victims’ and abusers’ profiles, aiming to find out the reasons that provoked this criminal attitude as well as the dimensions of mobbing phenomenon. Further studies should be applied concerning employers’ attitude towards moral and sexual harassment at workplace.

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How to Cite
Mobbing in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Greece. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2).

How to Cite

Mobbing in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Greece. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2).


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