Understanding the Relationship Between Attitude, Experiences, Awareness and Students Satisfaction with Sustainable Food: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh

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The-Bao Luong
Thi-Kieu-Diem Bui
Mai-Kim-Chi Le
Tuan-Kiet Nguyen


This study aims to determine the impact of perception, attitude, and consumer experience on student satisfaction regarding sustainable food in Ho Chi Minh City. A quantitative research method was employed, and data were collected from 395 students. After filtering, 300 responses were used for analysis. The study used SPSS software to measure perception, attitude, experience, and satisfaction reliability. The Smart-PLS software was used to test the research framework. The research findings indicate that perception, attitude, and consumer experience positively impact student satisfaction when consuming sustainable food. The study provides valuable insights into students' perceptions, attitudes, experiences, and satisfaction regarding sustainable food. It identifies the positive effects of perception, attitude, and consumer experience on the ultimate satisfaction of students with sustainable food. Therefore, improving student satisfaction is necessary to improve their perception, attitude, and experience towards sustainable food.

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How to Cite
Understanding the Relationship Between Attitude, Experiences, Awareness and Students Satisfaction with Sustainable Food: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12599039

How to Cite

Understanding the Relationship Between Attitude, Experiences, Awareness and Students Satisfaction with Sustainable Food: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12599039


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