Implementing a Smart Governance Structure. The Case Study of Barcelos, Portugal

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Dr Francisco Joaquim Barbosa Gonçalves
Professor Carlos Manuel Martins da Costa


Creative tourism offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through active participation in experiences that are characteristic of the destinations' cultures. This study main goal is to propose a governance model that might contribute to the sustainable development of Barcelos, as a creative tourist destination, that is part of UNESCO creative cities network. Regarding the research methodology, it was done a literature review on the subject under study, and a primary data collection through semi-structured interviews to ten managers of Destination Management Organizations (DMO), in Portugal. It is argued that the role of stakeholders and DMOs digitization process emerge as key factors to implement a smart governance model in tourist destinations. It might be concluded that Barcelos needs to implement a smart governance structure (including digitization and involving all stakeholders) to achieve this study goal.

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How to Cite
Implementing a Smart Governance Structure. The Case Study of Barcelos, Portugal. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2).

How to Cite

Implementing a Smart Governance Structure. The Case Study of Barcelos, Portugal. (2024). Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 7(1 and 2).


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